How To Rescue Your Organisations Strategy

(3 Day Programme)

Revisiting, Adjusting, Re-implementing and Maintaining your Business Strategy

 Programme Background

Many strategic plans fail not because they aren’t fit for purpose, but because a number of key factors are negating it, for example; the reasoning and importance of the strategy was not initially communicated correctly, the change curve is not managed effectively, or possibly line managers do not know how to performance manage their people.

Strategies can also be over-complicated (over engineered) with too many unrealistic initiatives and KPIs, making it difficult to adjust to emergencies (pandemics) and other changes. KPIs can also be cascaded down to far, when in fact it should be behaviours that are encouraged not measurements at certain levels.

Measures can also be seen as a negative threat rather than as an opportunity for employees, if not cascaded positively, so instead of feeling a sense of belonging, ownership, or part of the strategic How To Rescue Your Organisations Strategysolution they feel that they are under the spotlight, and any failure of the KPIs will be partly/wholly down to them, leading to regression, disengagement, and potential under-performance.

Finally, it is also important to remember that even if a strategy is implemented and managed correctly, other unforeseen elements may impact, a recent and live example; a global pandemic with the corona-virus outbreak!

If your strategy isn’t working it doesn’t mean that you tear it up and start again, because most thought through strategies are good in their basic concepts and some have levels of contingency built in, it just means taking a step back and re-visiting the objectives, adjusting, re-communicating and positively re-educating the reasoning behind each change to your workforce.

Finally, giving line managers the skills to manage and give feedback on performance, during positive or challenging times.

Regardless of whether you utilised the Balanced Scorecard process to devise your strategy or another planning system, if your strategy is not delivering or the markets have changed or your leadership team and/or workforce are not responding positively to the process then this programme is for you.

How To Rescue Your Organisations Strategy

Programme Key Elements

  • Defining the current key challenges around your existing strategy
  • Why strategies fail at the early/middle stages?
  • The importance of contingency, for example during the corona-virus outbreak. Adjusting or delaying elements of your strategy accordingly
  • Revisiting the five pillars of a BSC/strategy and the benefits of each
  • The importance of creating a ‘Clear Line Of Strategic Sight’ (CLOSS)throughout your organisation
  • How to develop meaningful, linked performance measures and targets around CLOSS
  • Understanding when/where behaviours are more important than measures
  • Introducing PRISM as a behavioural measurement tool
  • How to effectively cascade the scorecard to all levels of your organisation
  • How to communicate your strategy and any changes it may bring to the workforce (RESONATE tool)
  • Taking your people through the change curve effectively
  • Dealing with negative behaviours
  • How to revise poorly designed scorecard elements
  • Conducting performance reviews that lead to positive responses

Delegate Profile

This programme is recommended for executives, managers, planners and analysts who are part of a strategic development team.

The Benefits of Attending this Interactive programme

The frustrations for a senior management team associated with seeing their painstakingly constructed strategy not delivering or being blocked at every opportunity by an equally frustrated workforce, can lead to negative impacts and strategy failure.

This programme will enable the senior team to step back, review their strategy, assess what has been achieved to date, develop a process to communicate and re-engage the strategy with the workforce, and finally look at positive methods of performance management through the process.


The delegates will carry out a number of group discussions, analysis and workshops throughout this interactive three-day programme.

Programme Content

This balanced scorecard training consists of the programme content below combined with hands on exercises. Handouts and electronic slides will be given throughout the programme.

Day One (revisiting and reviewing your current strategy)

  • Orientation, introductions, expectations
  • Individual/team objectives for the programme
  • Process which you used to define your strategy (BSC or other)
  • Review your mission, vision, core-values and customer value proposition
  • Revisit the five key pillars (are they all covered in your existing strategy?)
  • Key elements of your strategy (key business objectives, initiatives and objectives)
  • What has changed in your environment?
  • What are the key challenges for you currently?
    • People
    • Wrong objectives
    • Environment (internal, external near and external far) review
    • Leadership
    • Buy-in (senior management team and other levels)
    • Communication channels
  • Feedback (internal, external)
  • What adjustments (if any) are required?
  • What are the priorities at this moment in time?
  • Focus of strategy now defined

Day Two (communicating and re-aligning the strategy) 

  • Buy-in from the senior management team of the strategy (contract of agreement)
  • Agree verbal and observed behaviours (once voice, one commitment)
  • Deciding on which KPIs are or are not relevant
  • Designing simple to execute Job Descriptions/roles that are easy to understand and measure (where relevant)
  • How do behaviours impact on KPIs?
  • Introduction to PRISM Brainmapping and its use in managing


  • What behaviours can be measured?
  • Re-communicating the strategy to the workforce
  • Line managers (buy-in and commitment)
  • Explaining the CLOSS model to line managers
  • Teams, how and when?
  • Methods of communicating (remote V internal)
  • The importance of openness and transparency
  • RESONATE (design the message) what needs to be included?
  • Understanding the change curve and how it impacts on buy-in
  • How managers need to change their leadership style through the change
  • Dealing with negativity (identifying champions)

Day Three (performance management)

  • Your existing performance management processes (evaluate)
  • How the job description design process (discussed on day 2) can be used to simplify the PM process
  • Dealing with different mindsets (psycho-geometrics)
  • Profiling your teams
  • The approach to take with each mindset
  • The importance of honesty and transparency around PM
  • The performance management meeting (the process)
  • Setting SMART objectives (how to do effectively)
  • Coaching individuals/teams to perform better
  • How to run a coaching session with the different mindsets
  • The importance of follow up, review and feedback
  • Wrap up, feedback and review of objectives


Overview if other relevant development programmes


Executive Coaching

Free 45 minute follow up coaching session for all participants

Free 45 minute follow up coaching session for all participants Built into our strategic planning workshops is a 45-minute coaching session that is designed a facility for you to consider applying your newfound knowledge. Working in a confidential and safe environment with one of our trained professional coaches and apply it back to your workplace. The extension of the one, two and five-day programmes. Your leaning comes alive by applying the techniques in the workshops to your specific business requirements.

Philip Peters

Your Trainer – Philip Peters: Philips expertise has been gained from working at various management levels through to main board director. A key element of his approach is working in partnership with managers, leaders, and organisations to create a clear line of sight down, up and across organisations, installing (where applicable) measurable and achievable KPIs, therefore ensuring all employees are linked to its overall strategic goals, objectives and culture.

Over the years Philip has gained an in-depth understanding of an extensive and diverse range of market sectors from SMEs through to major corporations in both the private and public arenas, across different cultures and economic environments, including the past 9 years working in partnership with organisations from the Former Soviet Union, in Russia, Ukraine,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Georgia.

NOTE: PRISM Profiling tool

We utilise the PRISM Brainmapping tool when designing, implementing and maintaining your BSC Prism Profiling(strategic plan). The tool has been developed using the fast paced advances in Neuroscience and has been designed to measure behaviours of individuals and teams in the
workplace in 22 different areas, allowing us to assess the probability of a person (or teams) delivering high performance in any given role.

By understanding your own and other colleagues preferred behaviours, and how individuals’ function under pressure, as well as identifying other areas of strengths and development, it simplifies the process of selecting individuals and teams for specific roles, initiative’s or projects around your strategy.

We can deliver this programme in-house, a one- or two-day course depending on the size of the