The Strategic Implementation Journey (Stage 2) 

4-Day Back-to-Back Programme

“Success doesn’t necessarily come from breakthrough innovation but from flawless execution. A great strategy alone won’t win a game or a battle; the win comes from basic blocking and tackling”.

Naveen Jain (CEO Moon Express and Viome)

How this programme currently fits  :

1. Strategic Planning (utilising BSC) 5-days

2. Implementing the Strategy 4-days

3. Maintaining the Strategy – Use-3-days

4. Plus – Commercial Awareness for HRBPs 

Having invested a lot of time and energy in developing your  Strategic Plan by ensuring that it is 100% fit for purpose. The next key element is communicating and implementing the strategy and its initiatives and projects. It is at this critical stage where a lot of organisations often fall down. These failures are due to some crucial strategic delivery fundamental’s not being considered, which can lead to a negative return on the time invested in developing the plan in the first place.

Strategic Planning Implementation

These tend to sit around the following 9 key areas:

  1. The commitment of the senior management team is not pressure tested and there is no clarity of ownership
  2. Incorrect people chosen to manage the BSC implementation process
  3. No training needs analysis (TNA) conducted for the SMT and other employees responsible for front-line delivery of the BSC
  4. Project planners for the initiatives have not been fully completed
  5. Impact assessment of each initiative and projects are not assessed thoroughly
  6. Job descriptions are not revisited and re-aligned to the new strategy or, they are over complicated
  7. Incorrect leadership styles used during the change process
  8. Communication of the strategy does not RESONATE with employees and is not timely
  9. Managers not understanding the impact of change on a workforce and how to manage the process effectively, which if not handled correctly can seriously extends the time between moving from our current position to our future state

Each one of the above areas/actions are critical to the success of your strategy and neglecting just one or two can lead to negative outcomes.

Programme Key Elements

It is the 9 issues listed in the programme background (see above) that this programme addresses, ensuring that the delegates and therefore their organisations have the skills, tools and confidence required, to overcome each of these key challenges, ensuring that the implementation is as effective, and runs as smoothly as possible.

Who is  Strategic Implementation Journey for?

For organisations who have completed their Balanced Scorecard or strategic plan and are confident that it is fully fit for purpose.

Delegate profiles

CEO’s, all members of the Senior Management Team, senior HR, others who are involved in ‘front line’ delivery of the strategy, selected strategic champions.

NOTE: This programme can be run as an open programme for mixed organisations or can be delivered as an in-house programme for a single organisation.

The Benefits of Attending this Interactive Programme

The key benefits of the ‘stage 2’ implementation programme, is that it supports the organisation from the top down in ensuring the best possible chance of the strategy succeeding. It delivers tools and skills that helps managers to be pro-actively prepared for the majority of the challenges which normally show themselves during the implementation of a new or refined strategy.

Finally, it breaks down each initiative/project into easy to understand segments, whilst pressure testing the potential success of each throughout the analysis process.


Through case studies and a series of interactive small-group workshops, participants will apply the skills gained during this programme. This will also include an in-depth case-study which will be completed on day 4, this utilises all the skills and tools acquired during the previous 3 days.

The workshops include but are not limited to:

  • Gaining a full understanding of how to setup a strategic delivery team
  • Completing a training needs analysis
  • Compiling project planners
  • Carrying our impact assessments
  • Completing simple job descriptions that are fully measurable and easy to understand
  • How to flex your leadership style appropriate to the situation
  • Designing a corporate communication to the workforce around the new strategy which ensures early ‘buy-in’
  • How change impacts a workforce and the skills required to speed up the process of change
  • Designing a progress chart for the initiatives/projects and including key milestones

We can deliver this programme in-house, a one- or two-day course depending on the size of the group, budget and level of topics required to be covered.


Executive Coaching


Free 45 minute follow up coaching session for all participants

Free 45 minute follow up coaching session for all participants Built into our strategic planning workshops is a 45-minute coaching session that is designed a facility for you to consider applying your newfound knowledge. Working in a confidential and safe environment with one of our trained professional coaches and apply it back to your workplace. The extension of the one, two and five-day programmes. Your leaning comes alive by applying the techniques in the workshops to your specific business requirements.

Philip Peters

Your Trainer – Philip Peters: Philips expertise has been gained from working at various management levels through to main board director. A key element of his approach is working in partnership with managers, leaders, and organisations to create a clear line of sight down, up and across organisations, installing (where applicable) measurable and achievable KPIs, therefore ensuring all employees are linked to its overall strategic goals, objectives and culture.

Over the years Philip has gained an in-depth understanding of an extensive and diverse range of market sectors from SMEs through to major corporations in both the private and public arenas, across different cultures and economic environments, including the past 9 years working in partnership with organisations from the Former Soviet Union, in Russia, Ukraine,
Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Georgia.

County Hall London

Time:09.30 – 17.00

Price:£470 (Early bird £375)

Location – Our County Hall London venue is as stunning on the inside as it is on the outside.  Situated on London’s Southbank it is in a great location with breathtaking views over The Houses of Parliament, Big Ben and the London Eye.

NOTE: PRISM Profiling tool

We utilise the PRISM Brainmapping tool when designing, implementing and maintaining your BSC Prism Profiling(strategic plan). The tool has been developed using the fast paced advances in Neuroscience and has been designed to measure behaviours of individuals and teams in the
workplace in 22 different areas, allowing us to assess the probability of a person (or teams) delivering high performance in any given role.

By understanding your own and other colleagues preferred behaviours, and how individuals’ function under pressure, as well as identifying other areas of strengths and development, it simplifies the process of selecting individuals and teams for specific roles, initiative’s or projects around your strategy.

We can deliver this programme in-house, a one- or two-day course depending on the size of the